Friday 25 October 2013

CHAPTER 5 : Individual Statements

The visit to Kampung Dusun Tua was a great experience for me. We gained exposure and experience of life in a Malay kampung and we were also tasked with the study on Malay traditional house and the backgrounds of Kampung. It was a really great chance for us especially architecture student to explore the local identity architecture, to know more, to experience more about our own country culture which other country never have it. Through out the whole visit, we learn to be more united and patient in carrying out a work, which we can see the resident's spirit everywhere in the Kampung Dusun Tua. We are so lucky that we have the chance to participate the Hari Raya Haji program, this allow us to experience and to learn other races traditional food cooking  and their culture. Last but not least, I am so proud to be a Malaysian as we have so many different races and religion yet we are so united.

Enhance social interactions

Kampung should remain traditional like the rest of Malaysia. Why would i said that? The sketches above clearly stated the differences between how little effort to rearrangement the kampung houses can promote the “traditional values” into a design layout which can bring better opportunities for “social interactions” amongst neighbours which is modern housing DO NOT HAVE. These aspects of design should put into practice in the overall layout design of modern residential neighbourhoods. Shared space, which is immediately next to the houses, provide platform for residents to carry their daily activities, permits public surveillance and promote the sense of belonging.  With this kampung traditional criteria able to encourage social interactions and inevitably promote a strong “sense of community.

So, above all, I would say that the kampung is a significant identity of Malaysian architecture. Architecture is not just only about the physical appearance of the building, but the most important thing is it's surrounding, how can the building blend in to the culture and society surrounding. It is so much differences between city life and kampung life. In fact, highrise low-cost and crammed apartments in Malaysia are slowly losing the values that should be befitting a place called “home” which others who are living in the traditional “kampung” environment are enjoying. Malaysia was a happening country, we cannot control the future technology as time goes on, but we can always preserve our significant identity, our kampung, to preserve it's “traditional values”!

For me the word ‘kampung’ is more than a physical structure. It encompasses a unique way of life, values, and philosophy, some of which have remained intact, at least in spirit, till this day. Malay villages were once a part of Malaysia’s landscape. But in the name of progress, these villages were demolished to make way for new buildings. They are no longer around. After the trip to the kampung of experiencing culture, I found that I do love the kampung life compared to modern city. It gave me a relaxing ambiance and feeling peaceful out from the strain of modern life.

Furthermore, I think the kampung should remain traditional since it is one of the richest parts of Malaysia’s heritage. The kampung houses constructed from low cost material which is timber and bricks, and it is easy to construct compared to modern houses. The kampung houses usually use natural ventilation instead of using air conditional. And the material used for the kampung houses which no harm to the natural environment.

As the experience of this kampong event, the life in the Malay kampong is fully different compare with the cities life style. The life of kampong is carefree that the concepts of sharing and cooperation which are the Malay lifestyle. The social organization of kampong with randomly layout brought out the informal and open atmosphere which is conducive to communal activities. The event was let me first time involved to cook Malay traditional food and it was a good experience for me as how hardcore to do the dodol.

As the Malay architecture, I agree that Kampong houses can be one of signification of Malaysian architecture in the history. It cannot be replaced by modern architecture. The special characteristic of Malay kampong house such as some of style are specially exist for kampong house. As example, the suspended footing of kampong house for prevent the flood is one of big signification of architecture. The style of randomly building arrangement and without any fences or gate as shown the sharing concept of Malay life style.

The visit to kampong and the celebration of Hari Raya Haji had taught me the traditional culture and daily practices of the Malays which I was uncertain about it before this. Having to run events to conduct a charity for the villagers had been an honor and I would like to help out again if there is a second chance. Being part of the preparation and celebration of Hari Raya Haji is also an awesome experience. I managed to learn the steps of making different kinds of traditional Malay foods and also learn the traditional culture of the Malays from the villagers who taught me. They are very kind and humble in teaching me which brought up my interest in knowing them more.

Unfortunately, as time passes by, these traditional villages and houses eventually starting to be modernize. Materials from timber are changed to brickwork or concrete for higher durability. Variety of colors is added to show the modernity to suit the current generation. Although this is an innovation done for improvement in terms of quality and comfort of the traditional houses; however, the traditional Malay houses are still better to be kept unmodified to preserve the traditional culture and heritage.

Traditional village or kampong is a very significant specialty that reflects the uniqueness of Malaysia. Preserving the traditional heritage helps to attract tourist and also local Malaysian to visit these places and gets to know more about the older days. Traditional and historical kampong houses showcases a very unique architectural styles which what most of the modern architecture fail to do so. Having these traditions conserve, the future generations will show more appreciation and interest to the local identity of Malaysia.

In the beginning, when lecturers gave the assignment brief about that our class will going to hold a charity and will go for a “kampung” which is village, to celebrate Hari Raya Haji with the villagers, I was like “Oh, God...Why we need go for a kampung to cook… Gt a lot of assignment to do and go there just for celebrate...Sign...” I was like don’t have any excited feeling when hearing this news, because I have no experience in a Malay kampung before.

But I change my mind when the day is coming. Especially the preparation and cooking day. First, I have to say that most of us do not have any experience about cooking the Malay cuisine, and this goanna be the part of memorable and special moment for me. I was no expecting that cooking is sometime a funny experience, and the most important part is, I learnt how to respect other culture and co-operation. The Pak cik and Mak cik are so kind to teaching us how to cook and what should we do during cooking. Beside this, this is also a good chance for me to learn how to cook the Malay cuisine and it is so tasty! I had learnt a lot and enjoyed the moment when I was in kampung which I never experience before, a TYPICAL KAMPUNG LIFE!

In my opinion, the kampung should remain traditional. Not just for remains our culture, but also for the relationship between humans. Experiencing in a traditional village is perhaps one of the fastest and easiest ways to get to know the real Malaysia culture. You will discover that things here move at a slightly slower pace than in city, and for those who relish the quiet calm of the rustic life, this is possibly as good as it gets.
Experience the charm of Malay traditions that have been preserved throughout the ages, which remain very much alive. Live with villagers, eat with them, be a part of their family. And when you return home, take with you a memorable cultural experience and the friendships of a family happy to welcome you!

From left : Malay, Chinese & Indian. The three main race in Malaysia.

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